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Systematic Review Robot

Download and Install
Systematic Review Robot Desktop App


Systematic Review Robot Desktop App is an easy to install application for your Windoes environment that lets you conduct data screening and data extraction automatically (based on your subscription status).

It provides an easy-to-use User Interface that lets you manage your systematic review projects.

Install Systematic Review Robot Desktop App on Windows

1. Download the installer using the download button at the top of this page.

2. Once downloaded, double-click on Systematic Review Robot Desktop Installer.exe to run the installer.

3. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to authorize the installer and proceed with the installation process.

4. After the installation process is done, the installation wizard will close and Systematic Review Robot Desktop will open automatically.

5. After the installation wizard is closed Systematic Review Robot Desktop will continue the installation process. You will notice a screen that says "Building your Systematic Review Robot".

Image of the Systematic Review Robot Desktop Application

After a few minutes, Systematic Review Robot Desktop will open automatically. This process will happen only the first time Systematic Review Robot Desktop is opened after installation.

IMPORTANT! Your system must have installed the latest version of Java so that Systematic Review Robot to work correclty. You can download the latest version of Java in the following link:

Start Systematic Review Robot Desktop

1. Search fot Systematic Review Robot and select Systematic Review Robot Desktop in the search results.

2. After starting Systmatic Review Robot Desktop you will be prompted to the login screen. Click the "Login via your browser" button to login in the browser. After logging in, the program will open automatically.

If you do not have a user yet Click in Sign up to create one and login in.

Image of the Systematic Review Robot Desktop Application

Systematic Review Robot on macOS

Systematic Review Robot will be available for macOS late summer of 2024.

Choose the Systematic Review Robot subscrition that meets your needs.